花開了,幸福來了!! 當眾花神依時序歇息,花兒也紛紛藏起她們的美麗,
這時『花大使』翩然降臨人間,從遙遠的天際捎來幸福的消息。 彷彿是在對我說:『當鮮花歇息的時候,就是我來陪伴你的時刻。』 歡迎來到永不凋零的秘密花園,享受以花傳情的浪漫時光... When fresh flowers fade,Their fragrance is soon forgotten. Fortunately, that's when the Flying Flower.Swoops down with some happy news. He says:“When fresh flowers fade, I will fly to your side.” Welcome to a flower garden that never fades. Enjoy the romance,Of expressing your feelings with flowers. |